Friday, August 12, 2011

HTH Parent Association Purpose and Board

The purpose of the High Tech High Parent Association is: 
  1. To engage in activities, which provide encouragement, leadership, and assistance to High Tech High at Liberty Station, so the school can reach its goals and objectives. 
  2. To encourage member participation in school activities. 
  3. To facilitate communication between home and schools, and between the Parent Associations of the schools at Liberty Station. 
  4. To promote the recognition of High Tech High in the community. 
Timeline for Parent Association (PA) Board Nominations:
  • Nomination committee members volunteer. 
  • Unanimous vote is needed by current PA board members for approval. 
  • Open nomination letter goes out to parents providing contact information of the nomination committee members and deadline to submit nominations. 
  • A minimum of three weeks is open for nominations. 
  • At this time parents can nominate delegates for PA Board positions thru written notice by notifying one of the nomination committee members. 
  • Nomination names are reviewed and discussed by the nomination committee members and the final slate is formed. 
  • Two weeks prior to the annual election meeting (open to all parents) notification is emailed to parents of all nominees and the annual meeting date for voting is announced. 
  • Nominations are now closed until the night of the annual election meeting. 
  • At the annual election meeting any final nominations can be given to a nomination committee member to add before voting begins. 
  • One hour before the voting, open nominations is closed. 
  • Nominee names are announced and voted on by those attending the annual nomination meeting. 
  • All parents and the school community are notified of new PA Board members and congratulations are given. 
Parent Association Board Member Positions:

President - Meet monthly w/PA Board and Presidents’ Council. Act as liaison for the parent community and oversees all PA Board meetings.

Vice President(s) - Meet monthly w/PA Board and Presidents’ Council, attend monthly PA Board meetings, and support the President.

Secretary - Attend monthly PA Board meeting, take minutes, prepare minutes and distribute to PA Board members for review and approval.

Treasurer - Attend monthly PA Board meetings, maintain and report on school finances.

Parliamentarian - Attend and oversee the agenda items at monthly PA Board meetings and oversee committee nominations.