Each month there will be a new happenings posted with the monthly meetings, events, and information.
Link to HTH Connections - September 2011 - Newsletter from the school emailed to all the parents. This was the inaugural issue of the newsletter.
HTH Open House & Taquero Fiesta for Parents - Tues. 09/13/11
4:30 pm - Taquero Fiesta - hosted by the PA before Open House begins
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm - Meet teachers, ask questions, peruse classrooms
Click on your language preference (English / Spanish) to view the Event Flyer.
For more information on this event, click here.
Brett & Breakfast - Please note the date change to Fri. 09/23/11 @ 8:45 am - HTH Conference Room. Original date of 09/16/11 changed to 09/23/11 since Brett, accompanied by HTH students, will be at meetings in the White House. Exciting news!
Brett & Breakfast - Please note the date change to Fri. 09/23/11 @ 8:45 am - HTH Conference Room. Original date of 09/16/11 changed to 09/23/11 since Brett, accompanied by HTH students, will be at meetings in the White House. Exciting news!
Student Pictures - Lifetouch student picture day is Wed. Sept. 28. All students will be provided with a picture ID free of charge/purchase. Packages will also be available and range in price from $16.00 - $35.00; order forms will be provided to students in the week of Sept 19. Click here to view the Lifetouch Packages.
Blood Drive - There will be a High Tech Village Wide Blood Drive Wed. Sept. 28. If you are 18 yrs. old, you only need identification and to show up. If you are 17, you will need a permission slip from your teacher that requires your parents signature allowing you to partake in saving lives. If you are a parent and want to give blood, PLEASE come and show your support by becoming a donor. The more donors we have, the more money we will earn. The blood drive will be held between 9:00am - 2:30pm.
Calendar Change - The all school Exhibition will be held on December 15, 2011 instead of May 30, 2012, as stated in the calendar provided to parents.
2011-2012 HTH Orientation Materials - These documents were given to 9th grade students at orientation and are provided online for other grades. All the documents are available here for viewing and printing.