Click to download: HTHMinutes-Nov 2009 (PDF)
NOVEMBER 10, 2009
Meeting started @ 9:00a
ATTENDANCE: Christine Rhoads, Rosa Esparza Schaefer, Nancy Allen, Susie Kime, Lorraine Goerke, Tabatha Gerber, Brett Peterson, Margie Gallego.
Christine Rhoads
After School Food Sales: Concern has been expressed regarding the prevalence of (very popular) junk food items being sold at these sales and health warnings regarding growing rate of obesity and diabetes among young people, so this topic was addressed at length at the November Presidents' Council meeting. After much discussion and consultation with a food dietitian, it was suggested that while not requesting a complete ban on junk food, we would like to try to at least eliminate the sale of soda and candy which are highest in sugar and are w/o any nutritional value. Popular snack food that might still be classified as "junk food" but which had at least some nutritional value (pizza, nachos, etc.) could remain. Email went out to all directors to discuss. It was also requested that scheduled food sales remain on their own commons and that all Food Sales need to be scheduled on the calendar so as not to duplicate sale dates.
Upcoming “tech” classes: Gail and Christine attended June Dodge’s class. Christine said it was very informative. June is willing to book room again for anyone interested. Christine to send email.
Student Social Events: Request for school to post information for parents of social events. There was a Halloween Dance and some parents were not aware of it. The next Student Social Event is Winter Formal which is 12/11.
Coordinator for Test Books Collection: Margie Gallego volunteered to coordinate. Christine to send an email Village-wide.
VP-Community Outreach
Rosa Esparza Schaefer
A meeting between Rosa and Julio Delgado addressed ways to improve school-home communication with non-English speaking Latino families whose students may be falling behind academically. He suggested more frequent personal communication by Rosa with these families and that Rosa can provide assistance as the liaison between teachers and parents when needed. Julio is meeting with teachers on Friday and will identify students that are @ risk and/or leaving the school because of academic reasons. It was suggested that there be after school tutoring and/or mentoring from older students with the new students. Brett also said new this year is the Latino Club which is headed up by Julio. There is a need to get the younger/newer students involved. Also, just getting up and running is the Strength of We. This will be tutoring before school starts (7:50a – 8:35a). 1 – 2 students from the upper grades and 1 – 2 teachers. Another goal was to provide more information by phone (via "phone-tree" or "ConnectedEd" messages in Spanish) so that Latino families without email access had another form of school-home communication.
Mary Wilson
eScrip (Susie Kime): Susie renewed 160 families for eScrip.
Susie said that HTM is doing “gift card” sales. It is short notice but she said we could piggyback on HTM order if we wanted. The cost would be $4.00. The board agreed and said we should try it. Susie to coordinate.
Restaurant Nights: Projected dates set as follows: Nov 19 (most likely) or Dec. 3- Extreme Pizza; Dec. 10-Rubios; Jan 21-Soup Plantation; Feb. 11-Pick Up Stix; Mar. 25 (Exhibition Night)---TBD--Sammy's or Oggi's; April 15-TBD; May 13 or 20th TBD.
Approval of October Minutes
Tabatha Gerber
Christine Rhoads makes a motion to approve minutes.
Lorraine Goerke to 2nd.
Unanimous approval.
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy Allen
Two checks came in: One from Albertson’s for $120.81 and One from eScrip for $126.24.
One expense for Staff Lunch of $195.70.
Christine Rhoads and Gail Karon
Directory: Distributed on Friday. Email to parents.
Gifts and Grants/Teacher Wish Lists:
Jessica Tonnesen
David Jean’s Teach Grant is pending waiting on email of approval of 12th grade teachers.
Brett to remind teachers at next staff meeting of grade-level or project grants available – First come first serve.
Meeting adjourned 10:40a.
Minutes Prepared and Submitted by
Tabatha Gerber, Secretary