Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Newsletter October 16th


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Join Our Private HTH Parents Facebook Group
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HTH School
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Storm Athletics
Click here for the latest information regarding the Corona Virus and HTH
"Someone struggled for your right to vote. Use it" 
-Susan B. Anthony

#hthpride #weareallinthistogether
The 10th grade MONUMENTOS Project began our partnership with students at the Dunalastair School in Santiago, Chile, this week!  In this Spanish-Humanities-Math collaboration, students will be co-researching and discussing controversial international monuments, interviewing nonprofit and local leaders in issues that matter to them, and proposing new monuments that best reflect the values they want to share and inspire and amplify in the world.
9th grade students on Brian Delgado and Mike Strong's team picked up dirt and compost for their team garden project. Students are looking at food production through the lens of justice and security. 
This event is being organized by two HTH Chula Vista students who wanted to extend the invitation to our HTH community. Event is Saturday, October 17th at 3pm. You can find out more information and register here. 

With the election around the corner, High Tech High Mesa 10th and 11th graders want to make sure our community is informed about the decisions facing San Diegans at the ballot box. We’d like to invite you, your students, and their families to a virtual 2020 Election Prop Talk! Programming will include detailed but digestible explanations of how each proposition will shape our city and our state and what both supporters and opponents of each proposition are saying. After, we'll showcase real arguments developed in support of or in opposition to each proposition.

Please RSVP using this Google Form!

Any student who missed picture day on 10/10 CAN attend this Saturday, 10/17!

We are excited to have Lifetouch Photography take portraits of your child on Saturday, October 10 (grades 9 & 10) and Saturday, October 17 (grades 11 & 12).

All students (and staff) will be photographed (in the HTH Commons) and receive a school ID the same day (free of charge!)

Please note:

  • Face Masks must remain on except when taking your photograph.  
  • Temperature checks for every student upon entering the HTH building.
  • Lifetouch Tech's can photograph 40 subjects (staff & students) per hour.   
  • Please exit through the side door after taking a picture and receiving your student ID.
Wow! Just wow and thank you to everyone who donated to Dollars For Doers. The campaign raised more funds than ever before. These funds will provide a grant to every HTH teacher to buy project supplies and do field work. Check out the past grant requests. Plus the rest of the funds will go to a new HTH Collaborative to help our HTH families in need. If you know an HTH family who may need some help, please email the HTH PA at hthpacommunications@gmail.com
My name is Viviana and I am one of the co-leads for this year's yearbook. We understanding that times are very different, but we do not want to let that get in the way of having our traditional yearbook. This year, we need your help like no other before. 
Please help us out by installing Yearbook snap on your phone or tablet. Yearbook snap is an app that is dedicated to submitting pictures for our yearbook. Please upload anything school related to the app. Once you have downloaded the app, it will ask you for your school code. High Tech High's Code is: hth2021 If you have any questions, please let me know by emailing me at vbanales2021@hightechhigh.org 

Thank you so much! Stay safe and healthy!

The Yearbook Staff
Yearbook Snap video

It's back! Wellness Club for HTH Parents meets virtually on Wednesdays @ 3PM for parents and 3:30PM for students. Click on this link to register for each session. Click here for a New Website for all things mental health  and look for a Q&A session with our HTH School Psychologist Shameeka Lewis next week. 

Go to the app store and download the Benefit app!

  • Set up Amazon Smile with HTH as the beneficiary on your browser AND your mobile app (.5% earned)
  • Bookmark our HTH Amazon Affiliates link in your web browser for shopping convenience! (avg 5% earned)
  • To make it more convenient, consider making ‘one time’ purchases of a retailer gift cards using Benefit, then use that gift card credit through your Benefit App ‘wallet’ throughout the year. For example, buy a $500 Amazon card and apply it to your Amazon account to use as the ‘payment method’ throughout the year. For example, buy a $50 Starbucks gift card through the Benefit App and apply the code to your Starbucks app for purchases
Still have questions, check out this tutorial or email hthpacommunications@gmail.com
College News 

The FAFSA went online October 1st and HTH will hold a FAFSA Completion Workshop for families on Saturday, October 17 from 9am-12pm. 

  • You must pre-register at www.calsoapsandiego.org and click Events. They should register on the targeted event date for any of the following * Cash for College-October 17th  scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see this. To get the Zoom link in the registration process, students must provide their name, school, email and cell.  You must have created a FAFSA id to attend the workshop. 

The FAFSA should be completed no later than November 30th, as colleges issue monies on a first come, first serve basis.

And next week for our 9th and 10th grade families on October 22nd at 7pm “Presentation IN SPANISH (PATHWAY TO COLLEGE)  For Families with Jonathan Villafuerte, CARPE network” You can Join Zoom Meeting here.  

Any questions, feel free to email Nicholle, HTH Director of College Advising at nwyatt@hightechhigh.org



Join us for our October Fitness Challenge!   Let’s get moving! You can still register on the Storm-tober website and join the Strava Club. 

There are different ways to participate

1. join in on the fun and get involved. 

2. compete with other schools (school vs school)

3. player vs player compete against one another.

4. Teacher competition- live competition from teachers, directors, staff…

AND for the grand finale and to CELEBRATE your moving and grooving goals there will be a Halloween Virtual 5K, THE STORM AHEAD TRICK OR TROT.  Invite family and friends to join the High Tech High community as we enjoy the Halloween Spirit in a new and special way!  Running in your costumes!  That's right, isn't High Tech High great at thinking outside the box?!  Eating candy was so 2019! Take wellness by STORM!

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