Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October 6th 2023


Attendance: Send an email to hthpl-frontdesk@hightechhigh.org

Mark your calendar:

  • October 6th and 9th, No School 
  • Farm Box Fundraiser - Order by October 10th
  • October 18th Facetime with Fahima 9am
  • October 17th -20th, Student Led Conferences, Minimum Days 
11th grade Biology with Jesse - Students analyze data collection methods for the project "Rewild Mission Bay" 
Seniors in Jelena's team visit the Visions Museum of Textile Art for inspiration for sewing and pattern work for their project "Inconsistent Patterns". 
Seniors on Ryan and Lucera's team fire their ceramics in a pit using organic materials on Fiesta Island
Huge turnout at the club fair with over 20 clubs represented like Rock Climbing, Journalism, Key Club, Mecha, BSU and D and D Club. Click here to view the entire list. 
Senior Art teacher Lucera Gallegos and EML Coordinator Judy Zapien are both moving on for other opportunities. We wish them both well! 
SLC (Student Led Conference) Week Oct. 17th -20th

Look for a sign up sheet to come from your student's teachers. Watch the video below as 11th Grade Biology teacher Jesse Wade Robinson explains what SLC are and why we do them. 

Join us on Wednesday, October 18th at 9am in the HTH Conference Room or on Zoom to meet with HTH director Fahima Ahmed. She will update you on school news, attendance and take your questions. Register here for zoom. 

Farm Box Fundraiser
We have partnered with the Yasukochi family farm, to provide fresh locally grown fruits and vegetables.  They will donate a portion of the proceeds back to HTH.

Click HERE to place your order.

Buy a box of produce for yourself and/or gift a box to a teacher/staff at HTH. 

Order by Tuesday Oct 10th, then pick up your items on Wednesday Oct 18th between 12-3 PM at HTH (near front entrance of HTH).   Reminder that Oct 18th is an SLC early dismissal day for HTH. 

We would love your help! Take a few minutes to fill out the Engagement Survey and let us know how you would like to support the school. 

Thank you to everyone who donated to the annual campaign. We reached the goal of $15,000. Dollars for Doers funds staff grants which are funds that go DIRECTLY into your child’s classroom.  Check out the HTH Family Portal to see the ways your Dollars For Doers funds were put to work in the past. 


Jake Gilbert, 12th grade Calculus

By HTH Student Journalist Jack Brooks

Most people remember taking Calculus in high school and perhaps college. However, for most, those classes didn’t have a significant lasting impact that changed the trajectory of their life. 

This is not the case for 12th-grade Calculus teacher Jake Gilbert. Jake, or Gilbert as his students call him, took Calculus in his senior year of high school. While in this class, his teacher, Mr. Bogar, created a hands-on project that got his students using math outside of just packets and Desmos. For their class project, Gilbert and his friend were tasked with creating an object, using integrals to find its volume theoretically, finding its volume in real life, and then comparing how accurate the calculational estimate was. Complicated, right? Although this may sound like a steep learning curve, Gilbert was up for the challenge, and his creativity in the project showed that. “My friend and I made a ‘shorse,’ a shark-horse,” he shared. “So it had (the) legs of a horse, but a torso of a shark.

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