Click to download: HTHMinutes-Feb 2010 (PDF)
FEBRUARY 10, 2010
Meeting started @ 8:40a
ATTENDANCE: Laura Schaefer, Nancy Allen, Susie Kime, Gail Karon, Lorraine Goerke, Mary Wilson, Tabatha Gerber, Brett Peterson, Margie Gallego, Rosa Esparza Schaefer.
Laura SchaeferBrett & Breakfast: Suggested topics for this Fridays meeting: Talk about Annual Campaign – bring Annual Campaign envelopes for any donations. Announce we are looking for a Grant Writer. We are also looking for candidates to be on Parent Board for next year.
Laura volunteered to bring coffee to the meeting. Margie Gallego talked to Rene to confirm that Rene would bring snacks.
VP-School Support
SLC’s: Lots of discussion regarding if we should host lunch/coordinate a potluck for teachers. We agreed that Team Parents usually organize this. Lorraine Goerke to prepare email and forward to Christine Rhoads to send to Team Parents.
Exhibition Night: Budget for staff dinner is $200.00. Agreed to bring in Extreme Pizza and salad for staff dinner. Mary Wilson to coordinate. We also discussed having the taco caterer instead. Rosa Esparza Schaefer to contact taco caterer to get more details. Rosa to email Laura Schaefer and we can do a vote through email before next meeting. If we do the tacos, we will set up on the patio. We will provide tickets for the teachers. We will need to stagger staffing. Brett suggested that we “claim” Exhibition Night regarding taco caterer. Brett ok’d Seniors to sell drinks.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Need to discuss date, time, ideas. In the past we have done an Italian lunch. Due to our budget this year, this may be too expensive. We would like to do this on a Staff Day. Talked about having this lunch the week after Catwalk. This topic has been tabled until next meeting.
VP-Community Outreach
Rosa Esparza SchaeferRosa has been translating documents for Chris White for College Financial Aide for the seniors. There was a good turn out of Spanish families at this function.
Julio has been talking about planning a night for Latino families. We asked that he double check the calendar to make sure there are no conflicts.
Mary WilsoneScrip (Susie Kime): In October we had 200 inactive people using eScrip. Currently it is now only 140 people. We talked about putting an eScrip icon on the school website that would link directly to the eScrip website. There is no cost. We agreed we should do this. We also discussed sending an email encouraging people to sign-up for eScrip. Susie to prepare email and send to Christine to forward. We would like to have an escrip table set-up at Exhibition Night – Susie to coordinate.
Gift Cards (Susie Kime): HTH made $588.00 on the gift cards. Susie suggested that we send a Thank you to Margie Gallego (she made a big purchase through the gift cards) and Andrea Partida (who is the person we piggybacked with on the gift cards). Susie is going to talk to Andrew and find out when they are doing the gift cards again so we can piggyback again.
Annual Campaign: HTH goal is $82,000. We are currently at $38,618.00 (47%) with 17% participation. There was an email sent out in February. We would like to have campaign envelopes and a graph of participation @ Exhibition Night. We would also like to invite Christine Cassidy to Exhibition Night to talk with parents and answer any questions. Mary to talk to Christine. Brett also suggested that Mary write a note from a parents prospective. We need to reiterate parents should be proud to contribute as little as $10.00.
Restaurant Nights: If we do not do Extreme Pizza for teacher staff on Exhibition Night we will reschedule in April.
Pick Up Stix scheduled for Thursday, February 11th. Nancy to send out Pick Up Stix flyer and Mary will drop off flyers at Wine Steals where the teachers are doing a Haiti function.
Approval of November Minutes
Tabatha GerberNancy Allen makes a motion to approve minutes.
Laura Schaefer to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy Allen
Paid $500.00 to Jeff Robins Teacher Grant.
Paid $435.00 to Jesse Wade Teacher Grant.
Received eScrip $170.23 for January.
Received Gift Card income of $588.00.
We have a Grant balance of ~$1500.00.
Gail Karon
Website: Explained where Catwalk links are on the website.
Gifts and Grants/Teacher Wish Lists:
Mary urged that we need higher participate rate to receive grants. Mary wants to focus on larger grants so we can reapply every year. Jesse Wade turned in a $5000.00 grant for Science – Mary to work on. Mary has asked Christine Cassidy to set-up a work shop for grant writing – no date set yet.
Teacher Grant: Jesse Wade (11th grade Biology) $550.00 for Crime Scene PCR Basics ($140.00 X 3) and Certified Molecular Agarose ($99.00 + shipping). Benefits ½ of the 11th grade (one team). Not sustainable. We noted that last year Jesse received money from parents for this. We asked her if she has tried to get parents to participate with this and she says has but because the budget is so low she has been getting their support on other things.
Mary Wilson makes a motion to approve.
Laura Schaefer to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Teacher Grant: Jesse Wade (11th grade Biology) $575.00 for Human Mitochondrial DNA Kit ($179.00 X 3 + Shipping). Benefits 62 students – all 11th grade. Not sustainable.
Because we have already approved 3 grants equally $1560.00 (total budget is $4500.00) to Jesse Wade we would like to ask the parents first for 50% of the grant. Laura to send email to parents for donations.
Nancy Allen makes a motion to approve to pay difference after parent donations
Mary Wilson to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Director’s Update
Brett Peterson
HTH for Haiti – movement started by students and teachers for on-going years. They are having a 5k walk on Sunday, March 14th.
Maria Sheperd asked about the $1,000.00 gift we give to the Seniors every year. Nancy to write check (we did have this on the budget).
Meeting adjourned 11:07a.
Minutes Prepared and Submitted by
Tabatha Gerber, Secretary