Click to download: HTHMinutes-March 2010 (PDF)
MARCH 10, 2010
Meeting started @ 8:45a
ATTENDANCE: Laura Schaefer, Nancy Allen, Susie Kime, Gail Karon, Lorraine Goerke, Mary Wilson, Tabatha Gerber, Margie Gallego, Rosa Esparza Schaefer.
Laura Schaefer
Brett & Breakfast: Suggested topics for this Fridays meeting: Nominating committee, eScrip, team baskets.
Margie volunteered to bring coffee to the meeting. Rene to bring snacks.
Catwalk: New Chair: Tracy Makings. Auction Team Baskets: Lorraine to send reminder email to team parents and to also confirm if there is a deadline.
April PA Board Meeting: Because the April meeting is right after Spring Break there was a question as to if we should cancel or keep meeting. We agreed to keep meeting. We also agreed to start the meeting between 8:40 – 8:45a.
Nominating Committee: Susie Kime to Chair. Laura Schaefer, Margie Gallego, Tabatha Gerber, and Christine Rhoades to be on committee. Laura to ask parents at Brett & Breakfast if they would like to be on the committee or if they know a parent that would like to be on the committee. Suggested we should ask 8th grade parents if they would be interested to be on the committee (the issue with this is the parents do not know which school their kids will be in yet).
HTH for Haiti: David Jean and Courtney Golub came in to talk with us. They are asking us for money for water (15 cases $140.00), bananas (750 $100.00), and a banner (small $130 or large $185) for the walk they are doing on Sunday. They are expecting 750 – 1,000 participants (95% student driven). They put this event together in a short time because they wanted to do it when Haiti was still fresh in everyone’s mind. These are a few things that they came up short with. Long Term/Big Picture is village-wide, recovering/rebuilding efforts, have internship.
We decided we wanted to help this effort. Looking over the Treasurer’s Report we decided to use already budgeted money from the following areas: Printing ($100.00), Volunteer Outreach/School Support ($100.00), Back to School Coffee ($100.00), and Misc. Fundraising ($100.00) for a total of $400.00.
Nancy Allen makes a motion to approve $400.00 stating that this will be used as seed money (one-time) to get them started. Also for banner to say donated by HTH Parent Association.
Voted: Unanimous approval.
VP-School Support
Exhibition Night: Discussion regarding Staff dinner. Do we do Extreme Pizza or the taco caterer? Concern is the night is for the kids to showcase their work. Is the caterer going to take away from their night? Another concern is do we have enough parents to staff and also have them able to attend the exhibitions? Another concern is HTHM conflict. They are selling burritos. We decided that we will do the taco caterer. Rosa will coordinate. We will have the caterer from 4:30 – 6:00 so does not conflict with the start of the exhibition and also parent staffing. We will set-up outside HTH doors so as not to conflict with HTHM. We decided to order 700 tacos.
Teacher/Staff Appreciation: Maria usually coordinates; however, she will not be this year. Laura to find out if there’s been a date discussed.
Snacks for testing: This is for Star Testing which is May 3 – 5. Tabled until April meeting.
VP-Community Outreach
Rosa Esparza Schaefer
Nothing new to report.
Mary Wilson
eScrip (Susie Kime): Susie to have a table with HTHM on Exhibition Night. She will also have sign-ups for Vons Cards.
Susie noted that are eScrip contributions went up from last year. We received $89.00 in January of 2009 and in January of 2010 we received $212.00.
Gift Cards (Susie Kime): Upcoming start date is May 24th.
Annual Campaign: Mary confirmed that Christine Cassidy will be at Exhibition Night.
Restaurant Nights: Mary asked for suggestion on dates (might do College Night). Jersey Mike’s opened next to Chipotle – Mary to schedule for next year.
Approval of November Minutes
Tabatha GerberTwo changes made to minutes:
Under VP Development - Gift Cards changed the name Andrew to Andrea Partida.
Under Communications - Website took out "Putting Catwalk banner on the website" and changed to "Explained where Catwalk links are on the website".
Laura Schaefer makes a motion to approve minutes with changes.
Lorraine Goerke to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy Allen
Nothing new to report.
Gail Karon
Website: Worked with Susie to get eScrip on-line mall up under fundraising. Confusing because when you go to the link it does not mention HTH. Questioned if you log in from HTH does your contribution go to HTH. Did test and yes it does.
Lots of Catwalk links on the parent page.
Gail suggested can we ask the President Council if we can move our Parent Association Link from the bottom of the website to the top? Laura to bring up at the next President Council Meeting.
Gifts and Grants/Teacher Wish Lists:
Laura tabled for April meeting.
Director’s Update
Brett Peterson
Brett not present at meeting.
Nancy reiterated when sending emails to school or parents you need to put “DO NOT REPLY ALL” at the beginning of the email.
No Brett & Breakfast in April.
Meeting adjourned 10:50a.
Minutes Prepared and Submitted by
Tabatha Gerber, Secretary