Click to download: HTHMinutes-May2010 (PDF)
MAY 12, 2010
Meeting started @ 8:10a
ATTENDANCE: Nancy Allen, Susie Kime, Gail Karon, Lorraine Goerke, Mary Wilson, Tabatha Gerber, Margie Gallego, Rosa Esparza Schaefer, Christine Rhoads
Christine Rhoads
Brett & Breakfast: Friday will be the last Brett & Breakfast of the year. Suggested topics for meeting: talk about next year and changes for 11th grade. Nancy will send out an email telling everyone this will be the last B & B.
Margie volunteered to bring coffee to the meeting. Renee to bring snacks.
Catwalk: RSVPs for Catwalk are down almost 50% - please talk it up to other parents and encourage them to go. Prep work is being done at HTHI all week.
Eric Talner’s Bus Service: He is offering special rates to HTH village families for daily school transportation. He will give back 5% to the school. Would like to send an email out to families. Need to double check with the school before sending email out.
VP-School Support
Teacher/Staff Luncheon: Susie Kime said the luncheon was good. Next year there should be more vegetarian options. New parents showed up to help. HTH had STAR testing all week, the HTH teachers didn’t have time to show up. Susie did bring back food for the HTH teachers. Thank you to Jersey Mike’s Subs for donating much of the luncheon.
Testing Week: Thank you Staples Business Advantage for supplying over 2,000 #2 pencils village-wide for testing.
VP-Community Outreach
Rosa Esparza Schaefer
Nothing new to report. Christine mentioned to Rosa that New Family Welcome is June 2nd, she should get in touch with Brett and Julio regarding any new Spanish families.
Rachel asked if we wanted to do New Orientation packets for June 2nd. The board agreed that we would stick with our usual schedule of providing the packets during the Orientations that are scheduled the week before school starts in August.
Mary Wilson
eScrip (Susie Kime): eScrip is now promoting Recycling. There is no cost to us. Questioned whether to start now or start next year and we decided to start now. Margie and Tabatha volunteered to help Susie is she needed help.
Susie to ask Patti or Chris to promote eScrip on June 2nd – also maybe put a flyer in the packet Rachel is putting together.
Gift Cards (Susie Kime): HTM decided not to do the gift cards in May. We decided to still do starting May 24th for two weeks. Margie and Tabatha volunteered to help Susie is she needs help.
Restaurant Nights: Mary will be doing an August Fundraising Boot Camp (with Christina Cassidy). She will keep us posted. Mary is looking into doing a Padres Night for next year. Christine mentioned that we tried to do this a few years ago and had a hard time getting volunteers.
Mary is still working on dates for the following restaurants: Chipotle, Extreme Pizza, Soup Plantation, and Cold Stone.
Mary talked about doing a Belmont Park fundraiser for $19.95 all day. 20% goes back to the school. She will look into it more and get back to us.
Approval of March Minutes
Tabatha Gerber
Mary Wilson makes a motion to approve minutes.
Lorraine Goerke to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy Allen
Funds to purchase water for the HTH for Haiti fundraiser were allocated from the Project Grants budget since there were some funds remaining in that budget. Discussion followed regarding our policy to only use Project Grant funds for school project purposes. It was agreed that we reallocate from general fund and carry over leftover Project Grant funds to next year.
Vote to carry over remaining Project Grant money in Project Grants for next year (~$900.00).
Christine Rhoads makes a motion to approve.
Margie Gallego to 2nd
Unanimous approval
There was a question of if we provide water and cupcakes for graduation. We were advised that all three high school PA’s provide the “hospitality” at graduation, which includes water and cupcakes. Susie to check if we have enough left over water from previous donation to use.
Nominating Committee
Susie Kime
The Nominating Committee voted on a recommended slate for 2010-11 HTH PA, as listed below. Joint Vote night is June 3rd at 6:00p at HTH.
Co-Presidents: Patty Bruffey and Chris Anderson
Vice President, School Support: Carrie Flowers
Vice President, Community Outreach: Rosa Esparza Schaefer
Vice President, Development: Mary Wilson (subsequently replaced by Susie Kime)
Secretary: Tabatha Gerber
Treasurer: Nancy Allen
Parliamentarian: Marie London
Meeting adjourned 9:05a.
Minutes Prepared and Submitted by
Tabatha Gerber, Secretary