Click to download: HTHMinutes-Sept 2010 (PDF)
Meeting started @ 8:28a
ATTENDANCE: Nancy Allen, Susie Kime, Gail Karon, Tabatha Gerber, Christine, Patti Bruffey, Cris Anderson, Marie London, Brett Peterson.
Approval of Minutes
Tabatha Gerber
Nancy Allen makes a motion to approve minutes.
Susie Kime to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Treasurer’s Report
Nancy Allen
The following changes to the budget were agreed upon:
*Under 3300 Unrestricted Fundraising Income
Take out the following line items: 3305 – Catwalk 10% Unrestricted, 3320 – Book Fairs, 3350 –
Net Logo Income, 3370 – Sally Foster/Entertainment Books, 3395 – Transfer to restricted funds.
Change 3310 – Albertsons to Albertsons/Ralphs and change budget of $600.00 to $200.00.
Add Gift Cards with budget of $500.00.
*Under 4200 Communication Expenses
Take out 4230 – Website Expenses
*Under 4300 Community Events Expenses
Take out the following line items: 4310 – Dad’s Club Expenses, 4340 – Multi Cultural Faire, 4350
– Zip Code Socials.
*Under 4400 Fundraising Expenses
Take out 4430 – Logo Expenses
*Under 4500 Hospitality Expenses
Change 4510 – Breakfast with Brett budget from $200.00 to $100.00 (Star Bucks/Trader Joes
donating to this event).
Change 4520 – Back to School Coffee budget from $100.00 to $0 (donated).
Take out 4540 – Telephone funding snacks and 4550 – Volunteer Outreach/School Support.
Change 4560 – Teacher Appreciation Week budget from $100.00 to $200.00.
Change 4565 – Staff Party to Staff Breakfast.
Patti Bruffey makes a motion to approve Treasurer’s Report
Tabatha Gerber to 2nd
Unanimous approval
Director’s Report
Brett Peterson
Regarding Project Grants – Patti suggested taking the PA out of deciding who and where this money goes. It was suggested that the Project Grant Funds and Teacher/Grade Level Grant Funds be divided between core teaching teams ~$400 per team (12 teams). Brett to talk to the teachers.
There will be four dances this year. 1. Back to School – Halloween. 2. Winter. 3. Spring Fling. 4. Prom. Patti to talk to Marcus regarding actually dates for the dances.
Patti Bruffey and Cris Anderson
Support for HTH College Counseling Office/Chris White: Patti talked with Chris White. 128 colleges will be visiting HTH. Patti suggested the PA support Chris with some kind of swag with HTH Logo on it. Suggested water bottles. Patti to look more into cost.
School Gmail address for HTH PA communications: There is a Gmail address already set up. Patti to contact Christine Rhoads to ask if she wants to continue be the communication chair.
VP-School Support:
Carrie Flowers
Team Parents/Grade Level Reps: Sign-up sheets @ Open House. Carrie Flowers to send emails to teachers to see if they already have team parents/grade level reps already lined up or if they still need.
VP-Community Outreach:
Rosa Esparza Schaefer
Open House: Taco’s to be served from 4:30p – 6:00p before Open House. It was brought up that last year parents did not know where to go (where their child’s classroom was). Rachel Hatch will project map on screen in Commons.
Susie Kime
We agreed to implement the eScrip Recycling program. Susie to order boxes. Would like to partner with Sierra Club and have the program promoted by kids.
eScrip Gift Cards to start 10/11/2010.
Breakfact with Breet:
Dates: 9/17, 10/15, 11/19, 12/17, 1/21, 2/18, 3/18, 4/15, 5/20, 6/17.
Student Lead Conference: 10/18 – 10/21, 3/8 – 3/11 (Cris working on getting lunch donated for these dates).
Staff Days: 9/27, 11/11, 1/14, 4/11, 6/24 (Cris working on getting lunch donated for these dates).
HTH Foundation Laision - Volunteer Needed.
Grant Writing – Volunteer Needed.
PA Meeting:
We agreed to have the PA Monthly Meeting the 2nd week of the month. Dates: 10/14, 11/9, 12/9, 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12, 6/9. Cris to reserve room with Rachel.
Meeting adjourned 10:35a.
Minutes Prepared and Submitted by
Tabatha Gerber, Secretary