HTH students launch a weather balloon to 90,000 feet to test wind speed, temperature and altitude as part of the Physics curriculum.
Freshman Talent Show 2018
Wednesday, December 19th 5:30pm - 7:30pm
What is Exhibition?
Exhibitions are made most meaningful by the quality of the interactions between the presenters and the audience. Family members, non-profits, professionals, local business partners, entrepreneurs, and other community members will be in attendance. Here are some suggestions:
Observe students and talk with them about their work.
Look for Complexity, Authenticity, and Craftsmanship in the work.
Read more about your role as parents in Exhibition here.
Exploring Access to Nature: Campification
11th grade teachers Pat Holder and John Santos have engaged their students in an exploration of our relationships with nature. They have examined the scientific, economic, political, and social systems that play into this interaction, generating a deeper understanding of how access to nature can impact our interest in preserving or exploiting the resources found in these natural spaces. Read more about this project here
Important News And Dates!
Get your tamales now and raise $$ for Mecha - Check out this flyer for all the information. Deadline to order with payment is December 6th.
Tuesday, December 4th 8:30am "Parent Voices Part 2" Parent Association Meeting - Discuss the future vision for HTH.
Wednesday, December 12th 9am Koffee With Kaleb "Student Ambassador: Public Exhibition" - Hear from students about why Exhibition is important.
Wednesday, December 12th 6pm Meet the SEDS (Social Emotional Development Specialists) in English and Spanish. Click here for more information.
Exhibition Bake Sale - Donations and Volunteers needed for the bake sale. Sign up here!
Spruce Up 2019 - We are looking for 2 volunteer parents to help organize Spruce Up on February 9, 2019 9am-3pm. This is our annual HTH spring cleaning event to beautify the school. Email annalpalid@gmail.com if you can volunteer.
Yearbooks are on sale for pre-order! They are only $45 until January 25th, after which the price will go up. The book may be purchased online at yearbookforever.com by simply searching for High Tech High School. Books may also be purchased in person by cash or check made out to High Tech High. If any students qualify for our Lunch Program, they may purchase yearbooks in person for only $35.
Holiday Shopping! Remember to use the Benefit app whenever you make a purchase. It's FREE money! Download the app, set your beneficiary to HTH and link your credit card or bank account.
For the first time, HTH Juniors will go on a Bay Area College Trip in May 2019. Students will visit 4 college campuses and talk to HTH Alumni about their college experience. We are asking for a $250 donation per student to cover the cost of the 3 day/2 night trip. Initial deposits are due by December 1st. 11th grade parents can pay online or drop a check or cash off at the front desk.
Congratulations! HTH Junior and Varsity Volleyball player Sophia Chavez named Union Tribune Athlete Of The Week
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