"Teaching and learning is all about relationships. So is the observation.
Everybody wants to be appreciated."
- Rob Riordan, President Emeritus
High Tech High Graduate School of Education
Students designed and rendered 3D nozzles for #CNC Then BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER!
Ducking our faces in buckets of ice water on this sunny Friday to learn about the Mammalian Dive Response phenomenon and the human body's physiological response in 11th grade Biology.
Black Student Union Club of High Tech High attends presentation by Dr. Clarence Jones. He worked closely with Dr. King and even smuggled a letter out of the jail cell.
Seniors visit a monastery in Escondido to learn about mindfulness for their happiness project.
How might we become the secondary equivalent of Scripps Institute of Oceanography? Cross-age students repeatedly explore the ocean, meet with scientists & create products to SHOW their learning in Semester Azul.
9th grade students rehearsing at Recreation Music Center
During Intersession, a group of students grades 9-12 hiked part of the Pacific Crest Trail. Click here to hear about their journey in this documentary.
Seniors get a chance to sit on the news desk at KFMB-TV Channel 8. They are learning about journalism for their project creating a school newspaper. See ad information below.
Important News And Dates!
March 4th, Monday - All Village Staff Day, No School
March 5th, Tuesday - Parent Association Meeting 8:30am
March 7th, Thursday - SLC, Minimum Day, 12:25pm dismissal
March 8th, Friday - SLC, Minimum Day, 12:25pm dismissal
March 13th, Wednesday - Koffee with Kaleb AND Andrew 9am
March 23rd-April 8th - Spring Break, No School
April 9th, Tuesday - School Resumes!
Hello Parents,
Do you have a business, service, or event you would like to advertise to the High Tech High community? This semester 12th grade English students are creating a school newspaper as part of the Current Events, Be Present Project. We are seeking advertising submissions for our paper. Ad prices range from $25 - $250 (options range from a 5” x 5” ad all the way up to a full page ad). This is a great way to help our team cover the cost of printing our newspaper while also promoting your business!
Please contact Priscilla Ortiz (portiz2019@hightechhigh.org), Hassan Alexander (halexander2019@hightechhigh.org), or Drew Juergensen (juergensen2019@hightechhigh.org) if you are interested. Thank you.
Would you like to open up your home to the world by hosting a foreign exchange student? This year, foreign exchange students from Switzerland, Germany, and Denmark have enriched the experience of our senior teams. Hosting a student is a great opportunity to introduce your family to another culture and create a lifelong bond. Students are fluent in English and come for one semester or a school year. For more information, please email Margaret Egler at megler@hightechhigh.org
What is an SLC or student led conference anyway? Check out the video to get all of your questions answered. Look for sign ups coming in the next week!
Remember to use the Benefit app whenever you make a purchase. It's FREE money! Download the app, set your beneficiary to HTH and link your credit card or bank account.
Spring sports are up and running!
NEXT GAME: Saturday, Mar 2 at 10:00 AM
Escondido Charter vs.High Tech SD
Game Details - 2019 Crusader Classic
The High Tech SD varsity baseball team has a home tournament game vs. Escondido Charter (Escondido, CA) on Saturday, March 2 @ 10am
For all the HTH Baseball news, click here
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