December 2nd, 2021
HTH Families and Students,
Our seniors are starting to breathe a bit easier as the University of California application deadline was Tuesday, November 30th. For many of them, now it’s a waiting period. We wish them all the best. And speaking of the UC’s, it announced that it will no longer use standardized tests for admission decisions. That’s great news!
Hopefully you have the HTH Village Virtual Family College Advising Night (for grades 9-11) on your calendar. It is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 9 at 6pm via zoom. Click here for the zoom links. We hope everyone will plan to attend.
Our Juniors should monitor their emails for PSAT results, Collegeboard says it will be sending them out sometime between Dec. 8th and 13th. Revolution Prep is offering a PSAT Interpretation Workshop on December 14th at 6pm via zoom. It is FREE, but you need to register. They will cover what the scores mean, how you compare the SAT and ACT and how to secure a scholarship from the PSAT.
For questions, feel free to reach out to me at
Nicholle Wyatt