Plus the rest of the staff received e-gift cards.
Thank you to the HTH community for this amazing outpouring of love and support!
Here are a few of the reactions from the teachers and staff:
Thank you the HTH Parent Association! WOW! That was an unexpected, thoughtful, and generous gift! I certainly feel appreciated. - Jamie Senescall, HTH Inclusion Specialist
Wow, that’s awesome. Thank you! - Glenn Evans, HTH Spanish Teacher
Thank you so much HTH Parents, that was a really thoughtful gift! I really appreciate what you did for us. - Lucera Gallegos, HTH Art Teacher
Yes! Thank you so much! That was such an incredible gesture!! - Michael Shear, HTH Inclusion Specialist
Dear Current and Incoming High Tech High Families,
This is the High Tech High Parent Association (HTH PA)! We are very grateful to all the parents who were able to volunteer to serve our school through the HTH PA Board (PA Board), committees and as volunteers! Now is the time when we open nominations for the HTH PA Executive Board of Directors positions for next year 2020/2021.
Read the rest of the letter here
Read the rest of the letter here
Click Here for Nomination Form to complete by May 18, 2020.